Instructor Guide
About Help
About Sakai Help
Accessibility Information
Rich Text Editor Accessibility Guidelines
What is the Announcements tool?
How do I add an announcement?
How do I edit an announcement?
How do I delete an announcement?
How do I merge announcements?
How do I reorder announcements?
How do I change Announcements tool permissions?
What is the Assignments tool?
How do I add an assignment?
How do I edit an existing assignment?
How do I delete an assignment?
How do I grade an assignment?
How do I download assignments for grading offline?
How do I upload graded assignment submissions and feedback?
How do I release assignment grades?
How do I change the Assignments tool permissions?
What is the Chat Room tool?
How do I add a chat room?
How do I delete a chat room?
How do I clear the chat history?
How do I change the Chat Room tool permissions?
How do I read, post, or delete Chat Room messages?
Course and Project Sites
What are course sites?
What are project sites?
How do I navigate in a site?
What is the Reset button?
What does Unpublished Site mean?
How do I create a new course or project site?
Drop Box
What is the Drop Box tool?
How do I upload files to multiple dropbox folders?
What is the Email tool?
How do I send an Email message?
How to I set the Email tool options for my site?
How do I change the Email tool permissions?
Email Archive
What is the Email Archive tool?
How do I view Email Archive messages?
How do I send messages to the Email Archive?
How do I modify the Email Archive options?
How do I change the Email Archive permissions?
External Tool (LTI)
What is the External Tool (LTI)?
How do I configure the External Tool (LTI) settings?
What is the Forums tool?
How do I create forums and topics?
How do I organize forums and topics?
How do I add a new topic?
How do I post to a forum?
How do I reply to a forum post (i.e. conversation)?
How do I email a forum post author?
How do I delete a forum post (i.e. conversation)?
How do I moderate a topic?
How do I grade discussion forums?
How do I move a thread to a different topic?
How do I delete a topic?
How do I delete a forum?
How do I modify forum template settings?
How do I watch or subscribe to forums?
What is the Gradebook?
How do I set up my Gradebook?
How do I add items to the Gradebook?
How do I enter and/or edit grades in the Gradebook?
How do I export grades from the Gradebook?
How do I import grades into the Gradebook?
How do I override a course grade?
How do I set all ungraded items to zero?
How does extra credit work?
What is the Lessons tool?
How do I create a new Lessons page?
How do I add text to a Lessons page?
How do I embed an image on a Lessons page?
How do I embed a video from my computer on a Lessons page?
How do I embed a YouTube video on a Lessons Page?
How do I embed an audio file on a Lessons page?
How do I add a website link to a Lessons page?
How do I add a file from Resources to a Lessons page?
How do I add activities to a Lessons page?
How do I add a question to a Lessons page?
How do I allow comments to be posted on a Lessons page?
How do I allow students to add content to Lessons?
How do I reorder items on a Lessons page?
How do I delete items on a Lessons page?
How do I limit access to Lessons page items to groups?
How do I require completion of a Lessons item?
How do I require completion of a Lessons page?
How do I add subpages to a Lessons page?
How do I add additional top-level Lessons pages?
How do I rename a Lessons page?
How do I delete a top-level Lessons page?
How do I delete a Lessons subpage?
How do I export Lessons content?
How do I import Lessons content?
What is the Messages tool?
How do I view my messages?
How do I send a message?
How do I reply to a message?
How do I create a Messages folder?
How do I move a message?
How do I delete a message?
How do I determine who site participants can send a message to?
My Workspace
What is My Workspace?
What is Site Navigation?
What is the My Workspace Tool Menu?
What is the My Workspace Message of the Day?
What is the My Workspace Calendar?
What are the My Workspace Recent Announcements?
What are the My Workspace Message Center Notifications?
What is Membership?
How do I view and edit my account details?
What is Worksite Setup?
What is the Preferences tool?
What are the Resources in My Workspace?
What is the News tool?
How do I add a News tool?
How do I edit the News tool?
How do I delete a News tool?
Permissions and Roles
What are Permissions and Roles?
How do I change participant roles within a site?
What is the Podcasts tool?
How do I add a podcast?
How do I subscribe to a podcast?
How do I allow students to upload podcast files?
How do I view or download an individual podcast?
What is the Polls tool?
How do I add a new poll?
How do I take a poll?
How do I view poll results?
How do I modify Polls tool permissions?
What is the PostEm tool?
How do I add PostEm feedback?
What is the Profile tool?
How do I set up my profile?
How do I post to my wall?
How do I add pictures to my profile picture gallery?
How do I search for and add connections?
How do I send a message to a connection in Profile?
How do I change my privacy settings?
How do I set my notification and other profile preferences?
What is the Resources tool?
How do I navigate the Resources tool?
How do I create folders?
How do I upload files?
How do I drag-and-drop files from my computer to a Resources folder?
How do I upload and unpack a zip file to a Resources folder?
How do I create a zip archive file in Resources?
How do I add a web link or URL?
How do I create a text document?
How do I create an HTML page?
How do I create a citation list?
How do I move a file or folder within Resources in the same site?
How do I copy a file or folder within Resources in the same site?
How do I copy a Resources file or folder from one site to another site?
How do I reorder files or folders within Resources?
How do I upload a new version of a file in Resources?
How do I hide files and folders?
How do I unhide files or folders?
How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
How do I remove a file or folder in Resources?
How do I restore a removed file or folder in Resources?
How do I add and display contextual information about a file or folder?
How do I notify site participants that content has been added to Resources?
How do I obtain the URL for a file or folder in Resources?
How do I make a link to a Resources folder appear in the Tool Menu?
How do I create a group folder in Resources?
How do I allow group members to upload content to a group Resources folder?
How do I allow all students to upload content to a selected folder?
How do I make a file or folder publicly viewable?
What is the Resources quota?
How do I upload or download multiple resources?
Rich Text Editor
What is the Rich Text Editor?
What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
How do I create a link to a web site in a text box?
How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?
How do I create a link to an activity in a text box?
How do I embed an image in a text box?
How do I embed a linked web image in a text box?
How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?
How do I add special characters to a text box?
How do I add/edit a table in a text box?
How do I add a content template to a text box?
How do I paste text from a Microsoft Word document to a text box?
How do I embed an mp4 video in a text box?
How do I embed an mp3 audio in a text box?
What is the Roster tool?
How do I view/search the roster?
How do I view roster photos and/or profiles?
How do I view group membership in the roster?
How do I edit Roster tool permissions?
What is the Schedule/Calendar tool?
How do I customize my Schedule/Calendar display?
How do I view calendar item details?
How do I change the calendar view in the Schedule tool?
How do I add items to the Schedule/Calendar?
How do I edit a calendar item?
How do I delete a calendar item?
How do I print the Schedule/Calendar?
How do I merge the Schedule/Calendar with another site?
How do I import Schedule/Calendar entries from a file?
How do I modify Schedule/Calendar permissions?
What is the Search tool?
How do I perform a basic search?
How do I perform an advanced search?
Section Info
What is the Section Info tool?
How are sections different than groups?
How do I create a section?
How do I edit a section?
How do I delete a section?
How do I add site members to a section?
How do I add teaching assistants to a section?
What is the Sign-Up tool?
What are Sign-Up meeting types?
How do I view meetings in Sign-Up?
How do I create a meeting?
How do I edit a meeting?
How do students or participants sign-up for meetings?
How do I export meeting data?
How can I use the Sign-Up tool in my site?
How do I manually add users to meetings?
How do I add meetings to the site Schedule or Calendar?
How do I modify Sign-Up tool permissions?
Site Info
What is the Site Info tool?
How do I edit the site information?
How do I choose which tools will be available in my course?
How do I rearrange or rename the items in the Tool Menu?
How do I add users to my course or project?
How do I remove users from my course or project?
How do I add a class roster?
How do I delete a class roster?
How do I create groups?
How do I link to a parent site?
How do I control site access?
How do I duplicate a site?
How do I copy my content from one site to another?
How do I import content from an archive file?
What is the User Audit Log?
What is the Statistics tool?
How do I view summary reports in the Statistics tool?
How do I create and run a report?
How do I duplicate a report?
How do I edit a report?
How do I delete a report?
How do I print a report?
How do I export a report?
How do I modify preferences in the Statistics tool?
What is the Syllabus tool?
How do I create a multi-part syllabus based on number of items needed?
How do I add my syllabus as a file attachment?
How do I create a syllabus using cut and paste from a document?
How do I print the syllabus?
How do I point my syllabus to a webpage?
How do I create a multi-part syllabus by dates?
Tests & Quizzes
What is the Tests & Quizzes tool?
How do I create an assessment in Tests & Quizzes?
How do I create a new assessment using markup text or cut and paste?
How do I add a new question (with the assessment builder)?
How do I create a multiple choice question?
How do I create a matching question?
How do I add a true/false question?
How do I create a short answer/essay question?
How do I add a fill in the blank question?
How do I add a numeric response question?
How do I add a calculated question?
How do I add an audio recording question?
How do I add a file upload question?
How do I add an extended matching items question?
How to I add multiple parts to an assessment?
How do I use assessment parts?
What is a question pool?
How do I add, copy, move, or remove a question pool?
How do I add a question to a question pool?
How do I copy questions from the question pool?
How do I set up a random question set?
How do I import and export assessments?
How do I import a question pool?
How do I share a question pool?
How do I create a survey?
How do I inspect and adjust the settings of an assessment?
How do I publish an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
What is the Tests & Quizzes Event Log?
Web Content
What is the Web Content tool?
How do I create a Web Content link to a web site?
How do I create a Web Content link to a folder in Resources.
How do I edit a Web Content link?
How do I delete a Web Content link?
What is the Wiki tool?
How do I view wiki pages?
How do I search wiki pages?
How do I edit wiki pages?
How do I create a new wiki page?
How do I add images to a wiki page?
How do I add attachments to a wiki page?
How do I view wiki page info?
How do I watch or subscribe to a wiki?
How do I view wiki page history?
How do I set wiki permissions?
OSP Guide
Evaluations (OSP)
Evaluations Overview
Evaluating Submitted Work
Editing / Removing Evaluations
Aggregating Evaluations across Sites
Changing Evaluations Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Forms (OSP)
Forms Overview
Completing Forms in Resources
Editing Completed Forms in Resources
Deleting Completed Forms in Resources
Completed Forms and Data Types (For CIG Coordinators)
Forms and Resources (For CIG Coordinators)
Accessing a List of Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Preliminary Steps for Adding Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Adding Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Previewing Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Editing Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Publishing Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Publishing Forms Globally (For CIG Coordinators)
Exporting and Importing Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Deleting Forms (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing Forms Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Glossary (OSP)
Glossary Overview
Adding Glossary Terms (For CIG Coordinators)
Editing Glossary Terms (For CIG Coordinators)
Deleting Glossary Terms (For CIG Coordinators)
Publishing Glossary Terms Globally (For CIG Coordinators)
Exporting and Importing Glossary Terms (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing Glossary Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Matrices (OSP)
Matrices Overview
User Roles and Associated Actions in Matrices
Matrix Cell Status
Assigning Permissions to Specific Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Designing Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Associating Matrices with Sites (For CIG Coordinators)
Removing Site Associations (For CIG Coordinators)
Linking Matrix Cells (For CIG Coordinators)
Linking Assignments with Matrix Cells (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Matrices: Step 1: Creating a Framework (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Matrices: Step 2: Setting Up Cells (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Matrices: Step 3: Previewing and Publishing Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Exporting and Importing Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Editing Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Deleting Matrices (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing Matrices Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing the Status of Matrix Cells (For CIG Coordinators)
Accessing and Completing Matrices
Adding Completed Forms to Matrix Cells
Attaching Evidence of Work to Matrix Cells
Reflecting on Work in Matrix Cells
Revising Work in Matrix Cells
Deleting Work in Matrix Cells
Submitting Work in Matrix Cells for Evaluation
Viewing Feedback on Work in Matrix Cells
Providing Formative Feedback in Matrix Cells
Adding Evaluations to Matrix Cells
Accessing Matrices from My Workspace
Portfolio Templates (OSP)
Portfolio Templates Overview (For CIG Coordinators)
Using Resources with Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Preparing to Create Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Portfolio Templates: Step 1: Provide a Name and Description (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Portfolio Templates: Step 2: Specify the Layout and Required Settings (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Portfolio Templates: Step 3: List User Content (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Portfolio Templates: Step 4: Select Supporting Files (For CIG Coordinators)
Creating Portfolio Templates: Step 5: Finishing Up with Passthrough XSL (For CIG Coordinators)
Publishing Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Editing Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Copying Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Exporting and Importing Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Deleting Portfolio Templates (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing Portfolio Templates Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Portfolios (OSP)
Portfolios Overview
Portfolios Home Page
Creating Portfolios
Required Settings in Portfolios
Sharing Portfolios
Editing Portfolios
Statistics on Portfolio Viewings
Downloading Portfolios
Deleting Portfolios
Hiding or Showing Portfolios
Viewing Portfolios
Commenting on Portfolios
Changing Portfolios Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Setting Sakai Properties for OSP
Setting Sakai Properties for OSP (For CIG Coordinators)
Styles (OSP)
Styles Overview (For CIG Coordinators)
Adding Styles (For CIG Coordinators)
Editing Styles (For CIG Coordinators)
Deleting Styles (For CIG Coordinators)
Publishing Styles Globally (For CIG Coordinators)
Changing Styles Tool Permissions (For CIG Coordinators)
Student Guide
About Help
About Sakai Help
Accessibility Information
Rich Text Editor Accessibility Guidelines
What is the Announcements tool?
How do I view announcements?
What is the Assignments tool?
How do I submit an assignment?
How do I complete a peer assessment assignment?
How do I view my assignment feedback?
What is the Chat Room tool?
How do I read, post, or delete Chat Room messages?
Course and Project Sites
What are course sites?
What are project sites?
How do I navigate in a site?
What is the Reset button?
Drop Box
What is the Drop Box tool?
How do I add items to the Drop Box?
What is the Email tool?
How do I send an Email message?
Email Archive
What is the Email Archive tool?
How do I view archived messages?
What is the Forums tool?
How do I post to a forum?
How do I reply to a forum post (i.e. conversation)?
How do I email a forum post author?
How do I watch or subscribe to forums?
What is the Gradebook?
How do I view my Gradebook grades?
What is the Lessons tool?
How do I add Student Content in Lessons?
What is the Messages tool?
How do I view my messages?
How do I send a message?
How do I reply to a message?
How do I create a Messages folder?
How do I move a message?
How do I delete a message?
My Workspace
What is My Workspace?
What is Site Navigation?
What is the My Workspace Tool Menu?
What is the My Workspace Message of the Day?
What is the My Workspace Calendar?
What are the My Workspace Recent Announcements?
What are the My Workspace Message Center Notifications?
What is Membership?
How do I view and edit my account details?
What is Worksite Setup?
What is the Preferences tool?
What is the News tool?
What is the Podcasts tool?
How do I subscribe to a podcast?
How do I view or download an individual podcast?
What is the Polls tool?
How do I take a poll?
How do I view poll results?
What is the PostEm tool?
How do I view my feedback in PostEm?
What is the Profile tool?
How do I set up my profile?
How do I post to my wall?
How do I add pictures to my profile picture gallery?
How do I search for and add connections?
How do I send a message to a connection in Profile?
How do I change my privacy settings?
How do I set my notification and other profile preferences?
What is the Resources tool?
How do I navigate the Resources tool?
How do I create folders?
How do I upload files?
How do I drag-and-drop files from my computer to a Resources folder?
How do I upload and unpack a zip file to a Resources folder?
How do I add a web link or URL?
How do I create a text document?
How do I create an HTML page?
How do I move a file or folder within Resources in the same site?
How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
How do I remove a file or folder in Resources?
How do I make a file or folder publicly viewable?
What is the Resources quota?
How do I upload or download multiple resources?
Rich Text Editor
What is the Rich Text Editor?
What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
How do I create a link to a web site in a text box?
How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?
How do I embed an image in a text box?
How do I embed a linked web image in a text box?
How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?
How do I add special characters to a text box?
How do I add/edit a table in a text box?
How do I add a content template to a text box?
How do I paste text from a Microsoft Word document to a text box?
How do I embed an mp4 video in a text box?
How do I embed an mp3 audio in a text box?
What is the Roster tool?
How do I view/search the roster?
How do I view roster photos and/or profiles?
What is the Schedule/Calendar tool?
How do I customize my Schedule/Calendar display?
How do I print the Schedule/Calendar?
What is the Search tool?
How do I perform a basic search?
How do I perform an advanced search?
Sign Up
What is the Sign-Up tool?
How do I view meetings in Sign-Up?
How do students or participants sign-up for meetings?
What is the Syllabus tool?
How do I print the syllabus?
Tests & Quizzes
What is the Tests & Quizzes tool?
How do I submit an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
How do I view the feedback on my assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
What is the Wiki tool?
How do I view wiki pages?
How do I edit wiki pages?
How do I create a new wiki page?
How do I add images to a wiki page?
How do I view wiki page info?
How do I view wiki page history?